LESSON 9: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Learn the full spectrum of affirmative action, how to create an affirmative action plan, and information on the AAP you will need to know. LESSON 8: MAKING HR DECISIONS Learn how to make decisions based on various company growth strategies and how to use HRIS Software as well as job analysis as a tool for decision-making.
LESSON 7: THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT Gain knowledge of employment law as well as an understanding of equal employment opportunity, avoiding discrimination, and what happens when an employee files an EEOC claim. LESSON 6: EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY Learn the ins and outs of complying with OSHA, protecting against workplace hazards, and investigating, recording, and preventing accidents and employee illnesses.
LESSON 5: COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS Understand all the things that must be considered when designing a compensation and benefits package.